Solar Steel Street Signs

Nombre: Nomenclatura 390 Solar

Código: NOM-390S

SKU NOM-390S-1 Categorías , Etiqueta


Solar Steel Street Signs

The innovative Solar Steel Street Sign redefine the urban luminosity.

More than just a simple signaling, is a master piece that embellish the streets, providing a charming shining.

  • Key Features: 
    • Integral Design: Manufactured in white RCB polymer, their unique structure incorporates two flaps for a firm affix to the post, creating a flawless aesthetic.
    • Sustainability: 100 % recyclable, contributing to the environment preservation.
    • Advanced Technology: JVM power circuit and solar panel of 3V, 1.65W, with “AAA” batteries, guaranteeing an optimal performance.
    • Exceptional Durability: Resistance to inclemency, temperature changes and UV protection, with a long-life span without rusting.
    • Labeling Versatility: Curve front adaptable to flexible films in both sides, with a life span of approximately 5 years.
    • Installation Options: These are adapted to RHS or tubular posts (optional), with black electrostatic painting coat.
  • Key Benefits: 
    • Functional Decoration: These add more than just signaling, but a decorative touch in streets, avenues and urban areas.
    • Intelligent Geo-location: Option to add QR code for emergency or security situations.
    • Continuous Visibility: They shine the 24 hours, standing out the name, road type, demarcations, numbering and improving the orientation in any moment.
  • Efficient Electric System:
    • Simplified Installation: Use of stainless-steel clamps for a quick and easy installation.
    • LED Last Generation: Band with 12 SMT ultrabright LEDs of 1.5 Watts, with heat sink aluminum support.
    • Aesthetic Design: Finish in arrow or pyramid shape, adding a final aesthetic touch.


  • Length: 15.3 in
  • Width: 3.5 in
  • Height: 10.2 in



  • Both faces


The Solar Steel Street Signs with a fusion of advanced design and functionality are the ideal choice for high pedestrian flow and strategical meeting points.

If more options you need, we invite you to see our Directional Signs, such as the Street Sign Intersection.





Additional information

Dimensions39 × 9 × 26 cm