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Traffic Buttons

Traffic Buttons are used to sign parking lots or special zones in roads, such as curves, crossings or roundabouts, in addition, exists some special items to guide blind people in urban zones.

What are Traffic Buttons and How they work?

Traffic Buttons are Raised Pavement Markers used to sign and delimit areas in highways and road spaces.

Traffic Buttons or Raised Pavement Markers are ideal to use on pedestrian crossings and areas, laps, and parking lots to improve road safety.

Our Traffic Buttons or Raised Pavement Markers are made with:

  • Ceramic
  • ABS
  • Stainless Steel
  • Polycarbonate
  • Aluminum 380.2

These Buttons have an easy installation and usually is required resistant epoxy glue or ABS bolt for a better fastening to concrete.

Yes, all our products have UV protection to resist adverse weather conditions, and are highly resistant to friction, humidity, wear and tear.

Our Traffic Buttons or Raised Pavement Markers are available in bold colors such as:

  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Metallic
  • White

Yes, our Traffic Buttons or Raised Pavement Markers are designed to withstand the constant traffic of different vehicles without cracking.

The purpose of Traffic Buttons or Raised Pavement Markers is to alert drivers through vibration when a tire passes over them.

Our Traffic Buttons or Raised Pavement Markers integrate crystal spheres for better visibility, solar panels, LED lights and a vibratory mechanism.