Have you ever wondered how a country can reach the path to a correct bicyclist culture?

There are many answers to this question but let’s start with:

Urban Planning:

In order to know how to achieve this goal is necessary to identify the needs of a community and develop them. In this case, we’ve been part of this new boom to implement bike ways in countries all around the world due to different increasing necessities as avoid traffic, reduce greenhouse emission and others


I’ve seen many photos where a “bike-lane or bike way” only means road markings, that isn’t safe enough for the bicyclist. However, a correct infrastructure for bike lanes must have more than markings, and must provide security to the bicyclist, like the use of lane separators (channelizers), contraflow lanes, delineator posts, bike signals, parking, tunnels, tracks, advanced stop lines, signals, median refuge islands and so many other structure applications that you can also find in NACTO

Traffic Laws

It is crucial to implement and apply laws, rules and legislations for bicyclist, so motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists themselves can follow them, decreasing traffic congestion, improving air quality and increasing bicyclist culture. A clear and simple example of these legislations is Malta, “cycle helmets became mandatory for all cyclists in April 2004” (Traffic Rules and Regulations for Bicyclists and Their Vehicles, n.d.). 

World Impact:

Bicyclist culture has various benefits in the world, like the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that remember, this environmental factor causes climate change, which “Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths per year from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat stress alone” (Climate Change, n.d.). In order to have a better condition to pedal is imperative to reduce those emissions; improving and promoting a healthier lifestyle that will guide you to a longer life and better condition as other benefits such as increase your serotonin levels, also known as the “happy hormone”.

In conclusion, all the above-mentioned factors are essential for an improvement in bicyclist culture that also depends on each place conditions, situations and come together with aspects as political will and leadership, community engagement, investment and funding, education and awareness. By prioritizing these factors and learning from the successes of leading bike-friendly countries, other nations can work towards developing comprehensive bike infrastructure that promotes sustainable and healthy urban transportation systems.  


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