Arrow Board Trailer

Código: REV-1000



SKU REV-1000-1 Categoría Etiqueta


Arrow Board Trailer

This Arrow Board Trailer with Vitemflex® impactor represents an innovative solution as an efficient one for a public service truck.

Manufactured with Vitemflex®, offers a unique combination of resistance and flexibility to provide an effective attenuation in case of collisions.

Some key features are below:

  • Dimensions: With a 16 ft and 3.66 in length, 7 ft and 6 in width, this truck provides a perfect balance between size and capacity.
  • Cushioning function: Designed as an impact cushion, this truck guarantees an effective response in case of collisions, protecting vehicles and occupiers.
  • Resistant Structure: With two axes able to withstand up to 7,000 lbs. each one, a 7 ft 10 in platform and a set of four all terrain tires of 15″, this truck is ready to front different challenges.


  • Additional Features: 
    • 4 packs of 13/4″ four blades spring for a soft padding.
    • Male-female connector for the brake controller of the truck.
    • Plastic water tank with a 264-gal capacity for versatile use.
    • Structural reinforcement with two inputs and two outputs of 1 1⁄2 in on the sides.
    • Bumper striped with medium density polyurethane reinforced with polyurethane for more durability.
    • Flashing arrow sign in the platform for a visual warning.
    • Garbage container with 475-gal. capacity for an efficient management of residuals.


  • Security Components: 
    • Two rear lights for braking and reversing.
    • Additional RHS supports in green for lateral part of the bumper.
    • Spare tire to guarantee a continuous journey.


  • Coupling System and Towing Capacity:  Equipped with a trailer hitch, welded chassis of 3″and a tow capacity of 12,500 lbs., this truck adapts to different applications easily.



  • Length: 31.06 ft
  • Height: 7.57 ft
  • Width: 7.8 ft
  • Reflective sheeting: white or amber


In conclusion, the truck with Vitemflex® impactor offers a unique combination of resistance, versatility and security, creating the ideal choice for public service applications that require an effective response in possible collisions.

The innovative design and functional features of this truck stand out on the market as a reliable and efficient solution.

Don’t forget to explore the Stationary Impact Attenuator Vehicle or the Flashing Arrow Boards, all these products have an excellent performance in roads.


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