Plastic Jersey Barrier

Nombre del producto: Barrera 2001

Código: B-2001

SKU B-2001-1 Categoría Etiqueta


plastic jersey barrier

Plastic Jersey Barrier

Optimize traffic safety and provide an efficient and versatile solution for traffic management and highway’s protection. This barrier is made of resistant plastic, considered as a lightweight and maneuverable option, compared to traditional barriers made of concrete.

It’s an outstanding choice on road works, events, and construction events, creating a clear delineation and solid protection

Its modular design allows a quick and safe installation, adapting to different needs and places. Its resistance to weather, UV-rays and extreme temperature changes, make of this barrier a durable and reliable option. In addition, its flat surface, without sharp and cutting edges, guarantee safety to both, workers and drivers.

This plastic barrier stands out for its versatility as lane separator, detours, and traffic works. At the moment you select this barrier, you are prioritizing safety and also contributing to an efficient management of traffic. Integrate the Plastic Jersey Barrier as a comprehensive and reliable solution. Obtain the protection you need with this latest generation Plastic Jersey Barrier!


  • Created to effectively direct traffic.
  • Perfect to delineate areas.
  • Quantity and position will be determined according to the road type and the nature of the ongoing work.
  • These barriers demonstrate a notable and solid stability.
  • Manufactured in a one-piece with rounded edges to prevent injuries in case of impact.
  • Guarantees a superior performance, resistant structure and long-lifespan.
  • Optimize efficiency on the hectic daily management.
  • Comply with the official regulations of design, dimensions and functionality.
  • Resistant to climatic variations. Protection against UV-rays.
  • It is characterized by its capacity to be fill with water or sand.
  • Perfect to joint barriers in straight or curve sections, maintaining a professional and clean appearance.
  • Integrated caps for easy filling and draining.

Some other great options are the Jersey Barrier Plastic or the Plastic Traffic Barrier, both made of long-lasting materials that handle any inclement weather.






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