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Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Safety, to maintain safety is necessary to use vertical panels and anti-glare screens, which are used to sign in highways and public roads, guiding traffic and providing direction to drivers.

What are the Vertical Panels on road signage?

Vertical Panels are devices used to direct traffic and provide visual information in highways.

The main function of Vertical Panels is guiding drivers and pedestrians, indicating detours, intersections and certain narrow streets.

Vertical Panels are usually made of durable materials as Poliflex®, polypropylene, ViTem-Flex® and ABS base, ensuring resistance and longevity.

Yes, they are. Most of Vertical Panels are designed to resist strong impacts and return to their original shape without permanent damages.

Sí, con bordes redondeados y construcción sin partes metálicas, minimizan riesgos de daño a personas o vehículos.

The anti-glare angle as 25.6°, improve visibility and reduce glare, contributing to road safety.

Yes, they can. Some of them are designed to withstand extreme climate conditions and have UV-protection.

Yes, it is possible. Some manufacturers allow customizations as colors and specific messages to adapt to particular needs.